Hello, welcome to my site. I am delighted you have found me and I hope you enjoy looking at my work.
I graduated from Art College in 1981 so have been a printmaker for roughly 40 years now, and a professional artist for almost 30 (1991). It's mostly etchings I do and what you will find here.
Edinburgh, Scotland has been my home for most of my life and it’s here where, as a member of Edinburgh Printmakers, I make my work.
Mostly these are pictures of whatever strikes me, wherever I am: cityscapes of Edinburgh, landscapes, plant studies, still lives and collections of objects I have found. It’s light and shadow that I notice, tone and texture and patterns. I enjoy doing sets of images showing variations on a theme. Recently I have been making forays into abstraction, but, so far, this is about having fun! I don’t know where, if anywhere these’ll lead me.
I have a fairly active Instagram account so do go there to see what I am doing at any given time. I rarely use Facebook now. Please use the link above.
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Recently I have added an extra page to this website - to be found under Commissions & Miscellaneous. This is to showcase various commissions and different sorts of work I have done over the years.
Meanwhile, I continue to work at getting all the galleries that show my work in their browsers re-stocked. The link to where you can find me is here.